Boost Your Fitness Levels with Aromatase Inhibitors

by | Sep 21, 2022 | General

Health Blog: General
September 21, 2022

Are you sick and tired of the same old training regimen or bodybuilding routine, or perhaps you’ve hit a plateau in your performance? Get back on track and change your routine with Aromatase Inhibitors. Your fitness levels will be better than ever before! Get ready to enhance your training and boost your athletic game by learning all about what these inhibitors have to offer you here.  

Ready to begin? Let’s go! 

What are Aromatase Inhibitors? 

If this is your first time hearing the term “Aromatase Inhibitors,” you may wonder just what these things are. Aromatase Inhibitors essentially inhibit or block the production of estrogen, which is a hormone in the body. Taken as an oral drug, the pills work by stopping the enzyme known as aromatase from converting into the hormone estrogen.  

Estrogen may be more of a female-associated hormone, but men and women need and produce the hormone estrogen naturally. However, it is important to note that today’s focus is solely on men. Male athletes need to pay attention closely, and we will explain more in detail as we continue.  

Useful Information About the Use of Aromatase Inhibitors  

You might be noticing a plateau or a decline in your overall outcome since too much estrogen in the body has a negative impact on athleticism and performance. These inhibitors can also be used to support cancer treatment or prevention or if fertility issues are present, in addition to supporting bodybuilding and athletic journeys.  

These inhibitors are also used to reverse unwanted side effects of testosterone, too – if the body has an excess of testosterone, it might convert the hormone to estrogen. Moreover, the Aromatase Inhibitors will help block that conversion and production in the body.  

Therefore, we will be focusing on men, because the important hormone here is ensuring testosterone, not estrogen, is what’s running through the body.  

Steroids and Aromatase Inhibitors 

Athletes and bodybuilders typically rely on steroids to help with training and performance. However, taking steroids causes a boost in hormone levels. Even when you intend to target the increase of one hormone, like testosterone, you might be unintentionally increasing estrogen levels in your body. Having too many hormones rampaging through your body can have undesirable effects, like the growth of breasts in men. So, aromatase works to help reduce those estrogen levels, so that your steroids can help you succeed without any unwanted side effects.  

Benefits of Aromatase Inhibitors  

Now that you understand what the inhibitors do, what does blocking or reducing estrogen do for your body and performance?  

  • Increases your energy so that you can hit the gym harder and longer. 
  • Boosts your ability to increase muscle mass and reduce fat.  
  • Revitalizes your sexual libido.  
  • Ensures your body and facial hair continue to grow in a healthy manner. 
  • Allows you to take better care of yourself. 

As a result, when paired with a good diet and regular exercise, you will be on your way to a healthier, more optimal you. While the benefits are amazing, let’s be aware of some potential side effects as well.  

Side Effects and Additional Considerations 

Side effects – what could happen by taking Aromatase Inhibitors? When not appropriately used, over-used, or even rejected by your body, Aromatase Inhibitors may cause the following issues:  

  • weakened bones 
  • joint pain (which can ironically be helped with regular exercise)  
  • kidney or liver problems 
  • personality changes or mood swings 
  • allergic reactions in extreme and rare cases 

What does all this mean, then? Small side effects are uncommon but have a significant impact. These inhibitors are typically reserved for men unless used for breast cancer treatment. Women need estrogen at normal levels, whereas men can suppress those levels and still be okay. Also, men and women each have testosterone and estrogen in their bodies. The dominance of one over the other is what helps differentiate the sexes.  

Think of what your athleticism could look like without: 

  • extra weight 
  • bloating  
  • breasts  
  • low sex drive 
  • lack of energy  
  • decreased muscle mass 

A final consideration is that these inhibitors are typically on the banned substance list for competitions, so these should not be used during competition season. Timing your prep will be key with both these and steroids so that you can train, perform, and compete with all precautions in mind.  

Train and Prep for Your Best Self Ever

Do you check one or more of the following boxes? 

  • Bodybuilder 
  • Athlete 
  • Beginner to exercise  
  • Taking steroids but you are having side effects 
  • Want to enhance your athletic game  
  • Want to get out of your boring training regimen or plateau 
  • Need to reduce belly fat and gain muscle  
  • Want to regain your sex drive and overall energy  
  • Ready to be your best self yet 

Then what are you waiting for? Today, take a chance on being your healthiest, happiest, most athletic, and attractive self. You can easily get started on your journey with Aromatase Inhibitors through Dynamis Online. 

Start Feeling Great with Dynamis Online  

Here at Dynamis Online, wellness for athletes is the goal. By learning about you, your body, your labs, and your desires, a curated stack of protocols will be created to meet all your needs and wants in one packaged solution. Our team is comprised of experts and specialists who will help you succeed every step of the way. 

 From steroids to supplements to Aromatase Inhibitors and more, everything you need to be elite is right here. You will start with a consultation and lab work followed by timely delivery of your products.  

Contact us now to begin your elite journey with Dynamis Online! Your best self yet is just a click away. 


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